Will the choices you make today lead you closer to or farther away from where you want to be?

Friday, November 13, 2009

P3D??? 11-13-09

Well, I'm baaack!!! I have had a long break from blogging and am having a hard time getting back into it! I am a bit confused how to clarify where I am at on the HCG protocol in terms of Phases/Days??? I just started the 2ND 3-weeks of maintenance, per Linda Prinster's Pounds and Inches Away, which is the program I began with. So, we continue to call it P3, but I think some who do similar programs call this stage P4. In either case, this is where we begin to add back in all those glorious sugars and starches to our diets, while at the same time...MAINTAINING our last hhcg drop weight. Well, so far...SO GOOD!!!!

I have really tried to be cautions and judicious in adding back in these things and granted I have only been doing this now for three days, I have been able to stay right on track. This is wonderful!! I have added chili beans to chili...missed that more than I knew. I had a little rice pudding the other night for a dessert. Oatmeal this morning for breakfast with some agave nectar & smart balance. Yum! Did not really think I was missing this stuff, till I start to eat it again. I was kinda thinking I could just go on without adding the sweets, breads, starches, etc...but that probably is NOT the way to go...I do not want to become starch intolerant and never able to enjoy these foods in moderation again. So, I am trying to be smart and INTENTIONAL about it.

I am looking forward to January when I will do my 2ND round and lose more weight..hoping for closer to 30 lbs this time. I really want to get this weight off finally and forever! I think Tim is going to join me in the next round...so that will be fun to have a partner in this.

I will try to come back later and write a bit more about what I have been eating lately and such. Right now, my little man Benjamin is crying for me to get him up!!! Later!

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