Will the choices you make today lead you closer to or farther away from where you want to be?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Whew!!! I made it through the 6-week maintenance with little trouble. I only had to have 2 steak days during it, so I consider that a success. I maintained my weight and am off and running today on my next round and sooooo looking forward to RELEASING another 25+ lbs.

This time, I have some supporters to go along this journey with me...my husband and Aunt are joining me. We all started today. I think it will make it easier and more fun to have others right here with me on the same diet. I still get lots and lots of encouragement and guidance from the HCG Diet Info forums and have made some good online friends there :)

One thing I am noticing this time is that it is not as easy and much fun to load as it was the last time...food is making me fuller and I can hardly stomach all that I need to consume. Which I guess is a very good thing. I really don't have the cravings for foods that I used to and I am rarely even tempted. I enjoy the good foods that I do eat and how I feel when I am eating well. A life change...hmmmm, imagine that.

Well, I plan to be intentional and purposeful in everything I eat, do, and say...so be following me over the next few weeks and give me feedback. I love your comments and encouragement!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

P3D22 11-14-09

So, I was up a little bit today, +1.6 lbs from last hhcg day. Not bad, but I am going to play it very safe today...lots of protein and water. Yesterday I added oatmeal w/ agave juice and smart balance on it. For lunch I had tuna salad with real mayo, diced dill pickles, chopped egg on a bed of lettuce greens and topped with Flat Earth Baked Veggie Crisps..tangy tomato ranch(YUMM!). At dinner we had boneless center cut pork loin chops with onions and and apple cider reduction...pretty good, a little overcooked. On the side we had spinach & shallots and a white skinned sweet potato. Never saw one of those before...white skinned sweet potato??? It was really good...actually sweeter to me than the normal ones. I did not add anything at all to mine, but I am still suspect that that might have been just a bit too much...

I am enjoying the way I am learning how my body reacts to different foods and I am getting much more interested in learning new, creative and healthy ways of cooking for me and my family. It is so much more costly in terms of money and time, but I think it is really going to be worth it. I keep thinking about our food supply, our choices and economy...It is crazy the way all the stuff that is so processed and filled with chemicals and stuff I can't even pronounce are usually the least expensive and often very tasty...but so very bad for us. Now that I have been off that stuff and have had opportunities to take a little bite here or there..it is really not even good..tastes so fake!!!

OK, that is all for now. It is a beautiful fall Saturday out there...I gotta get out and enjoy it!

Friday, November 13, 2009

P3D??? 11-13-09

Well, I'm baaack!!! I have had a long break from blogging and am having a hard time getting back into it! I am a bit confused how to clarify where I am at on the HCG protocol in terms of Phases/Days??? I just started the 2ND 3-weeks of maintenance, per Linda Prinster's Pounds and Inches Away, which is the program I began with. So, we continue to call it P3, but I think some who do similar programs call this stage P4. In either case, this is where we begin to add back in all those glorious sugars and starches to our diets, while at the same time...MAINTAINING our last hhcg drop weight. Well, so far...SO GOOD!!!!

I have really tried to be cautions and judicious in adding back in these things and granted I have only been doing this now for three days, I have been able to stay right on track. This is wonderful!! I have added chili beans to chili...missed that more than I knew. I had a little rice pudding the other night for a dessert. Oatmeal this morning for breakfast with some agave nectar & smart balance. Yum! Did not really think I was missing this stuff, till I start to eat it again. I was kinda thinking I could just go on without adding the sweets, breads, starches, etc...but that probably is NOT the way to go...I do not want to become starch intolerant and never able to enjoy these foods in moderation again. So, I am trying to be smart and INTENTIONAL about it.

I am looking forward to January when I will do my 2ND round and lose more weight..hoping for closer to 30 lbs this time. I really want to get this weight off finally and forever! I think Tim is going to join me in the next round...so that will be fun to have a partner in this.

I will try to come back later and write a bit more about what I have been eating lately and such. Right now, my little man Benjamin is crying for me to get him up!!! Later!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

P3D15 11-05-09

OK, this morning's weigh-in, much better...back closer to my desired range! I do not like getting close to that +2 lbs over my last HCG drop day. I did not get a chance to write in everything I ate yesterday...but suffice it to say, I must have done pretty good. I will try to write it later...too busy today to think about it all and type it out. I did mess with my blog template last night...well, Tim helped me change my background and he worked very hard on it and I messed around for a long time after that to try to get it look like I wanted. Anyway, this morning I was messing around with it again and found a much easier way to change the templates and make the backgrounds look different (I know, most of you bloggers are like...DUH!!! But I am slow, OK???) So, I am still not 100% happy with the way it looks, but I have to say it does have a little more personality in it than before...yes????

I know for some, this weighing daily thing seems a bit obsessive, but I am really trying not to get phobic about it, but use it as a tool...while I learn to understand how my body reacts to different types of food that I eat each day.

BTW--I love that people are actually reading stuff I write and leaving comments...is that narcissistic?? I just love the feedback and affirmation...so big THANKS!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

P3D15 11-04-09

YIKES!!! I think I got a little too liberal yesterday and the scale shows it all today! I am 1.8 lbs above my last hcg drop day...which is very, very close to 2.1 lbs and meaning steak day! So, this will mean I must be very, extremely careful to eat INTENTIONALLY today. Not that I did anything all that terrible yesterday, but maybe just too much fat and not enough protein in one day. Or the other likely reason, not enough water. I did eat some chicken with broccoli and broccoli cheese soup dumped on it--not really thinking and being intentional about it. I did not read the ingredients of the canned soup until after it was prepared and saw a few very questionable items listed, such as, wheat--uh, can you say STARCH???? But, I ate it anyway, kinda feeling invincible. Well, I am not!

Also, I was up very late last night and ate some cottage cheese. So, all those things combined and not to mention TOM should be here soon--sorry, I said NOT to mention it :)!!! But, anyway, today I will just try to eat very CLEAN and INTENTIONALLY and pray, pray, pray that I hold steady or even go back down some.

Just for my notes...here is what I remember eating yesterday:
3 fried eggs w/ bacon
South Beach Protein Bar
Portobello Mushroom Pizza
Apple w/ Smart Balance Peanut Butter
Chicken Breast w/ Broccoli Cheese Divan
Chocolate Mug Cake
Cottage cheese

I will be sure to log everything I eat today....be back later!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

P3D13 11-02-09

Today is Monday..I think I am getting the hang of stabilization...hope so :) I made it through Halloween weekend, no candy craves, no cheats. Unbelievable and AMAZING!!! I adore chocolate and really was not tempted in the slightest at the kids bulging candy-filled pumpkins. So that is a good thing. Also, we ate out a couple of times this weekend and I was really being intentional each time and it seems to have paid off--I am weighing in within the +/- 2 lbs last HCG drop day.

My goals for today are to drink plenty of fluids, eat lots of protein and veggies. I also have to get busy on some housework..so I will check back in this evening to report my progress today :)

So here is the menu of the day...

Breakfast: Egg Beater omelet with onions, ham and cheddar cheese, 2 cups chai tea, South Beach High Protein Cereal Bar-cinnamon raisin

Mid Morning Snack: Honeycrisp apple

Lunch: Bacon Tomato Cucumber Salad with Ranch Dressing..YUMMY!!! Crystal Light Pomegranate Lemonade...my fav! I wish this was available in a 2 qt..not just singles!

Afternoon Snack: Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Protein Shake

Dinner: Pot Roast in creamy mushroom onion soup, cauliflower, celery and a few carrots, Crystal Light pomegranate lemonade

Dessert: Grammy's Mug Cake...yeah, I'm addicted! Hot tea

So today, I think I did ok...as always, I will check that against what the scale tells me in the morning and make adjusts if necessary.

Friday, October 30, 2009

P3D10 10-30-09

OK, so far, so good. Yesterday seemed to have worked! I will probably stick pretty close to what I ate or the types of foods I ate yesterday and only add in very small amounts of dairy per day. Maybe I was eating too much... And, after reviewing yesterday's menu, I think I should have gotten in more veggies. I will try to accomplish that today, too.

Anyway, I will check back in later to record my progress!

6:23 pm Hey, there! I am back. I feel like all I do all day is eat, drink and think about this diet! I have to get better at managing my time so I can get more done around the house--between blogging, surfing the net, eating or fixing food for myself, the kids and Tim when he is home, oh and going to the little girls room...LOTS! I have little time left for important stuff, like paying bills, laundry, cleaning :)

I feel like I ate better today...but am so full right now I can't even think about eating anything more tonight. Although, I will probably try to manage a salad around 8:00 pm. I got up late and did not eat until probably 11:00 am, so I am gonna classify that as lunch. Here is the menu of the day:

Breakfast: Sleep

Lunch: 3 scrambled eggs, 2 pieces Canadian bacon, South Beach High Protein Cereal Bar; 2 cups Vanilla Chai tea (really, really yummy...by Bigelow)

Snack: About 8 red grapes and 1/4 honeycrips apple

Afternoon Snack: Muscle Milk Light Protein Shake

Dinner: Pork tenderloin, grilled zucchini & onions, fresh squeezed lemonade

Dessert: Grammy's P3/4 Chocolate Mug Cake...yummy!!!

Grammy's P3/4 Chocolate Mug Cake
4 T Coconut Flour (Almond Flour P3)
4 T Sugar Alternative (Agave Nectar P4)
2T Cocoa
1 Egg
3 T milk
3 T oil
Splash of vanilla extract
1 Large Coffee Mug

Mix all dry ingredients. Add egg, blend thoroughly. Add milk, oil, vanilla and mix well. Microwave 3 min. or less—DO NOT COVER. It will rise to the top, but should not flow over. Let it cool and enjoy…add homemade whipped topping if desired.

I got this and tons of other hcg diet recipes from hcgdietinfo.com...a great resource!!!

OK, for the rest of the evening, I plan to drink, drink, drink..it is Friday after all, might as well get water intoxication after all! LOL!!! I hope and pray that I am getting the hang of this stabilization thing and my weight will stay within the acceptable range.

If you are reading this blog and interested in more information about the hcg protocol or where/how to start this diet, leave a comment and I will get back to you asap. Thanks for reading!!